I had the greatest opportunity last night. To spend the evening with other people from the US in their room. They are staying in a much nicer place. There was actually a table and chairs for dining! The food was the best and they are a really nice couple! Alyssa was able to play with their little girl, named Jennifer. At first Alyssa was confused because she has been looking at her sister Jennifer's picture and getting all wound up. So we started calling her new friend Jen. Anyway, just having someone other than mom to play with was great. We had taken some of A's toys over there for play and we traded for a while, so new toys for both kids! yay! Not sure when the opportunity will come again to repeat...it just isn't cool to be out and about. But any risk was worth it last night, I came back here feeling so much more human! My lawyer was there and he said there was NO reason not to file on Monday, that all his work is done 110%.
Here is a great picture of Alyssa being creative last night. She found one of our host's travel pillows and decided it was a hat...